Schedule a matching call to connect with an in-person therapist in just 60 seconds.
81% of our clients preferred most or even all of their therapy to be done in person because they want the personal touch of being in the room with their therapist.
Our process is 100% paperless and e-sign based. No front desk to check in/out. You don’t have to talk to anyone but your therapist when you come for an appointment.
If you prefer the flexibility of virtual appointments, we have many telehealth clinicians accepting new clients
Getting the help you need should not be a long process. We get 93% of our clients their first session within seven days. So instead of sitting on a wait list you can make the most of our services.
When searching for a counselor, the choices can be overwhelming.
Here is how we stack up against the alternatives.
Guaranteed scheduling options within 7 days (minors/medicare)
Networked with most major insurance
Holistic Assessment
Immediate Support
Get matched in just 60 seconds
When searching for a counselor, the choices can be overwhelming.
Here is how we stack up against the alternatives.
Get matched in just 60 seconds
We emphasize the irreplaceable value of face-to-face interactions in the healing process. Our in-person approach fosters deeper understanding, trust, and emotional support, leading to consistently better and more meaningful recovery results.
You are the reason we do what we do.
“They are very compassionate, they listen and try to match you up with someone within the group suitable to your needs.”
“This is a great place for counseling, the staff are very friendly and flexible with my schedule, sometimes have to do virtual appointments when things come up and no issues.”
“Makes me feel like I’m not alone. Non-judgemental and truly care””
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